ტელე-რადიო ინტერვიუები

ტელევიზია ”რეალტივი” დღის სტუმარია გიზო ვაშაკიძე


On May 17, 2011 the Real TV company invited scientist Gizo Vashakidze to the “The Guest of the Day” program.

The program hostess journalist Lela Ninua talked with the scientist in the TV studio. During the interview, several live standups took place from the Tbilisi State University. The interview was devoted to Dr. Gizo Vashakidze’s research activities. They discussed his published scientific monographs relating to storms and whirlwinds, particularly to such an adverse meteorological phenomenon as tornado, its causes and prevention.


On May 17, 2011 the Real TV company invited scientist Gizo Vashakidze to the “The Guest of the Day” program.

The program hostess journalist Lela Ninua talked with the scientist in the TV studio. During the interview, several live standups took place from the Tbilisi State University. The interview was devoted to Dr. Gizo Vashakidze’s research activities. They discussed his published scientific monographs relating to storms and whirlwinds, particularly to such an adverse meteorological phenomenon as tornado, its causes and prevention.

The conversation also dealt with ancient manuscripts and their decryption. The colleagues evaluated Gizo Vashakidze’s work during the online standups. He also answered questions from viewers.

The program lasted for 1 hour and 30 minutes.

მედია-კავშირი ”ობიექტივი”


The anchor - journalist Gocha Gigashvili.

The guest of the program - Dr. Gizo Vashakidze.

The conversation dealt with the  scientific discoveries authored by  Dr.  Gizo Vashakidze. The author explained the role of the landscape in the process of generation of meteorological phenomenon tornado. Also he described the type of the temperature distribution, which contributes to the generation of a tornado as well as  tornado prevention issues, which will be achieved as a result of new technologies in the field of meteorology.

The anchor - journalist Gocha Gigashvili.

The guest of the program - Dr. Gizo Vashakidze.

The conversation dealt with the  scientific discoveries authored by  Dr.  Gizo Vashakidze. The author explained the role of the landscape in the process of generation of meteorological phenomenon tornado. Also he described the type of the temperature distribution, which contributes to the generation of a tornado as well as  tornado prevention issues, which will be achieved as a result of new technologies in the field of meteorology.

ტელეკომპანია ”პალიტრა ტვ”


On December 23, 2013, the Palitra TV company invited scientist Gizo Vashakidze to the program “Dilis Palitra”.

The discussions focused on the author’s theory of explaining the causes of tornado artificial and natural generation. The author talked about the experiments, in which a tornado-like air movement was obtained under laboratory conditions. The author named the  world-renowned scholars who had supported his tornado theory, among them are the academician Galitsyn, the head of the Moscow Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere, professor George Managzde,  the full member of the International Astronautics Society, academician Konstantin Losev, professor at the Moscow State University.

On December 23, 2013, the Palitra TV company invited scientist Gizo Vashakidze to the program “Dilis Palitra”.

The discussions focused on the author’s theory of explaining the causes of tornado artificial and natural generation. The author talked about the experiments, in which a tornado-like air movement was obtained under laboratory conditions. The author named the  world-renowned scholars who had supported his tornado theory, among them are the academician Galitsyn, the head of the Moscow Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere, professor George Managzde,  the full member of the International Astronautics Society, academician Konstantin Losev, professor at the Moscow State University.


საკონტაქტო ინფორმაცია

  • წყნეთის ქ.6, ბინა 28, ქ. თბილისი, საქართველო
  • + 995 599967386
  • gizo_vashakidze@yahoo.com